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Elizabeth Third Head Gold Proof Sovereign

Original price was: $1,030.05.Current price is: $860.44.

Elizabeth Third Head Gold Proof Sovereign

1991, 1992, 1994 Gold Proof Sovereigns Boxed

We currently have 1991 (No.0198), 1992 (No.0329) and 1994 (No.0229) Mint boxed Proof Gold Sovereigns. Each year is limited to only 5,000 pieces worldwide. Each Gold Full Sovereign is presented in an acrylic capsule and sits within an official Royal Mint presentation box. Accompanying Royal Mint Certificate of Authenticity booklet provided with coin number, description and specifications. Coin finish is to proof standard using specific highly polished dies and blanks. The double striking of the coin produces a far sharper more detailed design on obverse and reverse sides.

The Obverse of the coin displays Raphael Maklouf’s elegant portrait of Elizabeth II. Known as the Elizabeth Third Portrait, Sovereigns with this portrait are rarer than others and are therefore one of the most sought-after of the Royal Mint’s Sovereigns. The reverse of the coin features the famous George slaying the Dragon depication, designed by Benedetto Pistucci and first displayed on the Sovereign coin in 1817.

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